100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. The fastest and easiest way to download movies, TV shows, music, games, and more for your NEW iPhone 3-G and iPod Touch. Unlimited access. Download management software included. Video conversion software included. Over 10 Million Gigabytes of music, movies, software, pictures & wallpapers, games and more are accessible to you whenever you want - no per download fees. GET GAMES, MOVIES, AND JAILBREAK YOUR NEW IPHONE 3-G HERE 100% SATIFACTION GUARANTEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
This is a easy as pie simple step-by-step guide on how to fake activate, jailbreak, install apptapp installer and anySIM 1.1 for your brand spanking new iPhone version 1.1.1…without use of a PC or Mac! JAILBREAK THE NEW iPHONE 3 G RIGHT HERE
This should also work for an updated and re-virginized 1.1.1 phone, although I’m only giving instructions for a store bought, shrink-wrapped iPhone version 1.1.1.
1. An iPhone firmware version 1.1.1. (go to settings, general, about and check Version)
2. Wireless Internet access (make sure you don’t need a password to get on wifi)
We need 2 things…
1. access to http://jailbreakme.com (on the iPhone’s safari web browser; accessing their site and downloading their software will get your iPhone fake activated, jailbroken and having the newest installer on your phone). 2. We also need to get anySIM 1.1 on the iPhone to fully unlock the phone for any GSM phone carrier.
Ok….let’s get started…the phone should be fully charged out of the box…we’re gonna make some emergency calls to get Safari on an unactivated phone (don’t worry…you won’t be talking to anyone)
1. dial *#307# and the call button (you’ll hear your phone ringing)
2. while it’s doing that…hit the backspace button on the top right of the screen to erase what you dialled
3. while it’s still ringing, make sure only 0 is pressed, then hit the call button
4. 1 should be calling you now…press answer, then press the hold button in the middle of the screen, then press decline (this will take you to the contact list)
5. On the bottom middle of the screen you’ll see the contacts button with the profile of a man above it…hit that
6. Hit the + sign at the top right of your screen (to add a new contact)
7. Look for Add new URL…hit that then…
8. type in http://jailbreakme.com then hit save, then hit save again on the top right of the screen (this contact will eventually get you access to the web address on Safari)
9. now that you have this web contact saved…tap it…it’ll open up in safari but you won’t be on wifi just yet so you’ll see a message that it can’t access the website…it’ll also look like the website freezes (this is where it gets tricky as you’ll need very quick reflexes…but don’t worry…if you miss it you can try again)
10. hit the home button (the physical button on the bottom middle of your iPhone with the rounded square in it) ***make sure your finger is just over the middle of the phone’s touchscreen***
11. at this point…literally for a split second you’ll see an option for your open wifi location…with your finger already around the middle of the screen…you’ll have to tap your wifi selection as quick as you can (you’ll know you did it right if you see the selection highlight then look for the wavey wireless signal at the top left of the screen)…if you see the wifi signal you’re
12. next…slide on back to the emergency call screen…the phone will freeze up…shut off the phone by holding that very top button on your phone for a few seconds
13. turn the phone back on…still see the wifi signal at the top left of the screen? Great!
14. AppSnapp’s jailbreakme website said you can go back to the contact list by dialing 0, push call, then answer….that didn’t work for me…no worries…I got back to the contact list by repeating the beginning steps 1 through 4.
15. Once you get back to the contacts list…tap on that web address again…now that you are on wifi…the website will be displayed. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap on the choice to install their software. (Once you do this…the page will close out automatically…this is good…leave your phone alone…it’s doing its work…after a minute or two…the phone should reset itself…bingo!...Your iPhone is now fake activated and jailbroken with the new version of installer on it!)
16. Now to get anySIM 1.1 on your iPhone…first you’ll need to set your phone so it doesn’t go to sleep (auto-lock). At your home screen…tap the Settings icon, scroll down and tap General, then tap Auto-Lock, then tap Never
17. (make sure you’re still connected to wifi) Press the Home button and tap on the Installer icon.
18. Once in installer…tap on Install near the bottom left of your screen. Now tap All Packages...look for a package called anySIM.
19. Tap on anySIM, then tap Install on the top right of your screen. Once it finishes installing, press your home button. (Your iPhone should reboot…and voila!...you now have the anySIM icon on your phone!)
20. Make sure you have your sim card inserted in your iPhone (if you don’t know how…take a push pin or paper clip, push it in that little hole next to the earphone jack at the top of your iPhone…the sim holder will pop out…insert your sim card with the circuits facing the back of the iPhone…you should see a message saying incorrect sim card)
21. You set your phone to Never Auto-Lock Right? Good…tap on the anySIM icon.
22. Follow the instructions and with only a few more simple taps (no more handholding you through these steps!) and around 5 or so minutes of work done by anySIM…you should be rewarded with a completely sim-unlocked iPhone!
I tried to be as descriptive as possible and if you want your new 3-G iPhone Jailbreakedd you can get it done here.....ENJOY
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
The new iPhone 3G will will be released at 8 a.m. next Friday and you can buy your iPhone 3G here.
Here's the price of owning the NEW 3G for current AT&T subscribers who want the iPhone 3G.
If you're "upgrade eligible" (log into your AT&T account to see if you are), you'll be able to buy the new iPhone for the discounted price of $199 for the 8GB version or $299 for the 16GB model. There is an $18 "upgrade fee."
If you're not eligible for the discount, you'll have to fork over extra for an "early upgrade"$399 for the 8GB iPhone 3G or $499 for the 16GB model.
AT&T also says that a "no-commitment" iPhone 3G will be available soon, at $599 for the 8GB version and or $699 for the 16GB handset. Pricey, but no two-year contract.
Unfortunately, AT&T won't offer the new iPhone on a prepaid basis, at least not at launch.
Some other items: You will have to get your new iPhone activated at the store, and that means a credit check. So bring a photo ID and your Social Security number (especially if you're not yet an AT&T customer). If you want to cut down on the wait, you can go to an AT&T store now and take care of the credit check early.
There have been some rumors that current iPhone users could simply register the IMEI number of their new iPhone with AT&T clerks-meaning they could finish activating their phones at home. It's a nice idea, but so far, there's no indication from AT&T that such a plan exists.
As for the newly detailed rate plans, there aren't any surprises. Each plan comes bundled with unlimited data; $70 a month gets you 450 minutes and 5,000 night/weekend minutes, while a 900-minute plan with unlimited nights/weekends goes for $90. A 1,350-minute plan will cost $110 per month. Family plans are available, and business data plans will cost $45 a month (versus $30 per month for standard data in the bundled plans). Text messages are extra, too. Individuals pay $5 for 200 texts per month, $15 for 1,500 a month, or $20 for unlimited texting. For family plans, you'll pay $30 a month for unlimited messaging.
Will there be a pre-pay version of the 3G iPhone?
Unfortunately, no. AT&T offered the original iPhone through its pre-paid GoPhone plan, but carrier reps have confirmed that there won't (for now, at least) be a GoPhone variety of the iPhone 3G.
Is the camera on the new iPhone gonna be as useless as on the first iPhone? What about a flash?
Apple has confirmed that the camera on the iPhone 3G is the same 2-megapixel model as on the original—and nope, there's still no flash. Personally, I'm fine with the iPhone's camera, and besides, the little flashes on most camera phones are too weak to appreciably improve picture quality. That said, if you hated the iPhone camera before, you'll still hate it on the 3G version.
What about tactile feedback on the touchscreen? Does Apple have any plans to include it in the future?
Still no touch feedback on the iPhone 3G. There were rumors recently that Apple was in talks with Immersion, the company that develops tactile feedback technology for phones and gaming controllers, but either the rumors were false or a deal couldn't be struck before the iPhone 3G announcement. However, since Immersion's technology is software-based (it controls the existing vibration motor in a phone), there's no reason that a future firmware update couldn't enable tactile feedback for the iPhone.
I already have an iPhone; do I have to sign a new contract to get the new one? How much will I have to pay?
Yep, you'll have to sign a new two-year contract with AT&T, even if you're already under contract (the new service agreement will simply supercede your existing one). You'll pay the same price for the iPhone 3G as a new customer would: $199 for the 8GB version, or $299 for the 16GB model.
Do you know if the iPod Touch will have a new, lower price as well?
Not for now, at least. The new iPhone is cheaper because AT&T is subsidizing a substantial portion of the cost. (Why? Because AT&T wants as many new iPhone subscribers—all paying $30 or more a month in data fees—as possible.) The iPod Touch isn't a phone … hence, no carrier, and no subsidies.
Has Apple done anything to allows end users to replace the battery themselves?Nope the iPhone battery is still sealed inside the casing, as it was before, and Apple's shown no indication of changing its mind. Now, there are replacement kits you can buy (which involve prying the iPhone apart with a tiny screwdriver, which I don't recommend), as well as external power packs that'll boost your battery life. Apple also has its iPhone battery replacement program (free in-warranty, $79 plus shipping out-of-warranty).
What about search? Cut? Paste? These are the main reasons Crackberry-heads haven't switched to the iPhone.
No searching, cutting or pasting yet, although I'm guessing that third-party developers will come up with their own solutions down the line.
Will the new iPhone also be available here in the Philippines?
Yes—the iPhone 3G is "coming soon" to the Phillippines, although Apple hasn't given a specific date yet. Here's a complete listing of countries slated to get the iPhone.
Will this new phone work outside the U.S.?
Yes indeed—it will work on any GSM network, including those in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Take heed, however—if you go abroad and start making calls and browsing the Web willy-nilly, you could wind up with an enormous bill (roaming on overseas networks ain't cheap). Get an international calling plan from AT&T before you go (both voice and data plans are available); I also recommend you disable data roaming on the iPhone (go to Settings, General, Network) so you don't unknowingly rack up hefty data charges.
Can you send pictures between iPhones?
The iPhone doesn't support picture mail, a.k.a. MMS (multimedia messaging). Then again, there's nothing stopping you from sending pictures to iPhone-toting pals via the iPhone's email client.
Heard any rumors about the old iPhone getting updates?
The upcoming firmware 2.0 release—which will add Exchange support, the App Store, and other features to the iPhone—will work just fine on the original iPhone. Due in early July, the update will be free for iPhone users; iPod Touch users will have to cough up $9.95.
Any news about when we can use an iPhone with other phone companies besides AT&T? I'm not a big fan of AT&T, and I have family that is committed to the Verizon family plan. How long do we have to wait to use an iPhone with Verizon?
Don't hold your breath. AT&T is believed to have a five-year exclusive on the iPhone, which started last year—so we're probably looking at 2012 before another U.S. carrier gets a crack at the iPhone. Also, keep in mind that the iPhone is based on GSM technology, and Verizon Wireless and Sprint both run CDMA—not GSM—networks. So unless Apple builds a CDMA-based iPhone (and I haven't heard a peep about such a thing happening), getting an iPhone on Verizon seems pretty unlikely.
Is it at all possible to just buy the iPhone 3G without a contract, just an outright phone purchase?
The short answer: No, at least initially. The long answer: With the original iPhone, you were able to buy it at the Apple Store and then activate it—or not—online via iTunes. However, AT&T now says that you must activate your new iPhone in the store (either the Apple Store or an AT&T location), and that means signing a new two-year contract—no exceptions.The new iPhone 3G will will be released at 8 a.m. next Friday and you can buy your iPhone 3G here.